Son Convicted of Brutal Father Murder After £5,000 Harm Contract on Facebook

In a shocking case of family violence, 37-year-old Austin Duckworth has been found guilty of murdering his elderly father after previously offering £5,000 on Facebook to anyone willing to "deal with him." The chilling social media post exemplifies the escalating tensions that culminated in the fatal assault on 72-year-old Stephen Duckworth.

The Violent Incident and Cover-Up Attempt
On August 26, 2023, Duckworth breached his bail conditions and forced his way into his father's house in Preston, England. In a brutal display of aggression, he repeatedly struck the elderly man in the head and hands before callously walking away, telling him to "better call an ambulance." Despite initially refusing medical attention, Stephen's condition deteriorated throughout the day, and he eventually called for an ambulance himself in the evening.

Hospital staff discovered a devastating brain bleed, and tragically, Stephen passed away on October 12 due to blunt force head trauma, as confirmed by the post-mortem examination.

Disturbing Prelude to Murder
Prosecutors revealed a disturbing pattern of behaviorleading up to the deadly incident. Austin Duckworth was barred from visiting his father's home after aprevious aggravated encounter arrest in May. Stephen had reported multiple incidents of abuse to the police, including being put in a headlock, thrown to the ground, and "almost strangled" by his son.

In a chilling escalation, Duckworth took to Facebook on August 7, offering 000 "for anyone willing to harm my father." He even sent a message to someone named "Liam," asking, "Do you want to harm my dad for £5k?"

Motive and Justice Served
According to the prosecution, Duckworth's aggressive and bizarre messages stemmed from his desire to have his father out of the house, which was to be left to him in the will. Detective Chief Inspector Jill Riley described the violent act as "callous and aggressive," leaving Stephen with non-survivable injuries.

After a five-day trial atPreston Crown Court, Duckworth was convicted of murder. The jury heard Stephen's harrowing account of the violeDetailsnt encounter, which was extremely upsetting for his family members present in court. Sentencing for Duckworth is scheduled forApril 16 at Preston Crown Court.

This tragic case highlights the devastating consequences of family violence and the importance of addressing underlying issues before they escalate to unthinkable acts of brutality.

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